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apsl506 blood pressure simulator calibration device is designed and produced according to jjf1626-2017 blood pressure simulator calibration specification. It uses microprocessor chip and air pressure components to realize intelligent detection, improve detection accuracy, reduce personnel labor intensity, and is suitable for calibrating blood pressure simulator.
the blood pressure simulator calibration device adopts touch screen display and control, and has a push to talk function for each requirement of jjf1626-2017, that is, pressing a function key can automatically complete the calibration of a function. Applicable to the measurement department.
basic performance
1. pressure measurement
● pressure range: (0-60) kPa.
● pressure accuracy: grade 0.02.
● pressure unit: kPa;
● compensation temperature: (-5~50) ℃ (to ensure accuracy);
● storage temperature: (-30~80) ℃;
● service environment: A. ambient temperature: (-5~50) ℃; b. Relative humidity < 95%; c: Atmospheric pressure: (86~105) kPa;
2. Pressure converter
● pressure range: (0-34.5) kPa
● voltage output range: (0-5) V
● it has the function of pressure display, and the error is less than ± 0.0345kpa
● voltage output accuracy: 0.1%
3. Oscilloscope
● voltage measurement range: 0mv-5v: maximum allowable error: ± 3%
● frequency measurement range: (0-100) Hz, maximum allowable error: ± 0.1%
● frequency broadband: not less than 20MHz
4. Metal container
● built in 500ml.
main functions
it can complete the indication error calibration, simulation range test, repeatability test and air tightness test with one touch.
1. Calibration of static pressure range and indication error: press the "indication error" key to automatically complete the secondary preloading, range detection, indication verification, and call the verification results.
2. Analog range test: automatically send the blood pressure range of adult 1, adult 2, newborn 1 and newborn 2, and small waveforms can be seen on the oscilloscope.
3. Repeatability test: automatically send out the average pressure of 15.5kpa, 20KPa and 13.3kpa, display the uniform waveform on the oscilloscope, and calculate the repeatability. At the same time, calculate the pulse rate error.
4. Air tightness test: press the "test" key to automatically test the air tightness and automatically judge whether it is qualified or not.
Product overview
apsl506 blood pressure simulator calibration device is designed and produced according to jjf1626-2017 blood pressure simulator calibration specification. It uses microprocessor chip and air pressure components to realize intelligent detection, improve detection accuracy, reduce personnel labor intensity, and is suitable for calibrating blood pressure simulator.
the blood pressure simulator calibration device adopts touch screen display and control, and has a push to talk function for each requirement of jjf1626-2017, that is, pressing a function key can automatically complete the calibration of a function. Applicable to the measurement department.
basic performance
1. pressure measurement
● pressure range: (0-60) kPa.
● pressure accuracy: grade 0.02.
● pressure unit: kPa;
● compensation temperature: (-5~50) ℃ (to ensure accuracy);
● storage temperature: (-30~80) ℃;
● service environment: A. ambient temperature: (-5~50) ℃; b. Relative humidity < 95%; c: Atmospheric pressure: (86~105) kPa;
2. Pressure converter
● pressure range: (0-34.5) kPa
● voltage output range: (0-5) V
● it has the function of pressure display, and the error is less than ± 0.0345kpa
● voltage output accuracy: 0.1%
3. Oscilloscope
● voltage measurement range: 0mv-5v: maximum allowable error: ± 3%
● frequency measurement range: (0-100) Hz, maximum allowable error: ± 0.1%
● frequency broadband: not less than 20MHz
4. Metal container
● built in 500ml.
main functions
it can complete the indication error calibration, simulation range test, repeatability test and air tightness test with one touch.
1. Calibration of static pressure range and indication error: press the "indication error" key to automatically complete the secondary preloading, range detection, indication verification, and call the verification results.
2. Analog range test: automatically send the blood pressure range of adult 1, adult 2, newborn 1 and newborn 2, and small waveforms can be seen on the oscilloscope.
3. Repeatability test: automatically send out the average pressure of 15.5kpa, 20KPa and 13.3kpa, display the uniform waveform on the oscilloscope, and calculate the repeatability. At the same time, calculate the pulse rate error.
4. Air tightness test: press the "test" key to automatically test the air tightness and automatically judge whether it is qualified or not.
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