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this software is also called full-automatic pressure verification system software. It can not only form a full-automatic pressure verification system with apsl501 series full-automatic pressure verification platform, apsl503 intelligent pressure controller, apsl 311 series precision pressure calibrator, but also manage pressure, temperature, flow, liquid level, current, voltage and other instruments, forming an instrument automatic verification maintenance management system.
the full-automatic pressure verification system is divided into field full-automatic pressure verification system and verification room full-automatic pressure verification system.
on site automatic pressure verification system: it is composed of automatic verification software, apsl501 series or 601 series automatic pressure verification platform, and apsl311 series precision pressure calibrators (collectively referred to as "pressure calibrators"), which are suitable for on-site application. The automatic verification software downloads the field instrument parameters to be verified to the pressure calibrator. During the verification process, the calibrator automatically records the data in the memory. After the verification, upload the verification results back to the automatic verification software for data processing and report printing.
automatic verification system of verification room: it is composed of automatic verification software, apsl501 or 601 series automatic pressure verification platform, apsl311 series precision pressure calibrator, apsl503 series intelligent pressure controller, apsl801 automatic piston pressure gauge, and apsl803 series automatic pressure verification device (collectively referred to as "automatic pressure verification device"), which is suitable for use in the verification room. The "full automatic pressure verification device" is directly connected to the computer for real-time verification, forming a full-automatic pressure verification system. After the instrument is verified, the data processing work is also completed synchronously, and the verification report and verification certificate can be printed immediately.
software function
automatic verification of thermal instruments:
fully automatic verification of pressure transmitter, pressure switch and pressure gauge: as long as you click the mouse (or start button), you can control apsl type or ease type full-automatic pressure verification platform according to database settings, and automatically complete pressurization, decompression, pressure stabilization, data recording, error analysis, printing reports and certificates.
support multiple verification platforms and multiple verification methods:
one computer can be connected with three apsl or easy full-automatic pressure calibration tables at the same time for real-time calibration. Support single test point verification, double test point verification, four test point verification, upload and download verification methods.
comprehensively manage the parameters of field instruments:
(1) management process measurement point parameters
(2) manage field instrument parameters
automatic management of verification results:
it can manage the calibration results for many years: two test results before and after adjustment.
overall management personnel and standard equipment:
(1) manage the verification personnel
(2) management personnel
(3) management standard equipment
it is convenient to generate work task list
(1) the system can print out the list of instruments that must be calibrated, the list of instruments that fail to be calibrated and the list of instruments that fail to be checked (have been scheduled for calibration, but have not been calibrated for some reason) within a certain period of time (such as a month, a week) in a very short time, which is very helpful for managers to arrange work.
(2) the pass rate before calibration can be counted.
automatically print the verification report:
the format of the verification report can be specified by the user. There can be many formats.
features of software:
integration of management and verification. The management system can directly communicate with the automatic pressure test bench or calibrator, and the verification data can be directly entered into the management database.
the verification of pressure transmitter, pressure switch and pressure indicator is integrated. The verification results are automatically identified and stored in the corresponding database.
the verification results can be entered through communication or manually. The system automatically completes error analysis and automatically generates the verification result database, verification report and verification certificate.
the system can ensure the authenticity of the verification report. The verification results are changed without legal person, which avoids the usual phenomenon of filling in the verification report by memory afterwards, so as to ensure the authenticity, credibility, science and standardization of the verification report.
this system can greatly improve the efficiency of verification.
connectable verification equipment
tmms-2000 instrument automatic verification maintenance management system can be connected with the following verification equipment:
apsl 501 series or 601 series automatic pressure calibration table or easy type automatic pressure calibration table
apsl 311 series precision pressure calibrator or 312 series precision pressure gauge
beta950 or beta960 multifunctional calibrator
beta325 pressure calibrator
beta135, 235 multi-function calibrator
Drucker calibrator
tc2000 low temperature verification furnace
classification of software:
this software is divided into network version, single machine full version, single machine 560 point software and single machine 56 point software.
(1) the network version software package supports network functions and can be used on the MIS network in the factory. It must be equipped with a server, and has the functions of on-site full-automatic pressure verification system and verification room full-automatic pressure verification system. The database capacity is 65000 points.
(2) stand alone full version software package can only be used on one computer. At the same time, it has the functions of field full-automatic pressure verification system and verification room full-automatic pressure verification system. The database capacity is 5000 points.
(3) single machine 560 point software package can only be used on one computer. At the same time, it has the functions of on-site full-automatic pressure verification system and verification room full-automatic pressure verification system, and can be connected with apsl, easy, ease calibration platforms and beta325 pressure calibrators. The database capacity is 560 points.
Product overview
this software is also called full-automatic pressure verification system software. It can not only form a full-automatic pressure verification system with apsl501 series full-automatic pressure verification platform, apsl503 intelligent pressure controller, apsl 311 series precision pressure calibrator, but also manage pressure, temperature, flow, liquid level, current, voltage and other instruments, forming an instrument automatic verification maintenance management system.
the full-automatic pressure verification system is divided into field full-automatic pressure verification system and verification room full-automatic pressure verification system.
on site automatic pressure verification system: it is composed of automatic verification software, apsl501 series or 601 series automatic pressure verification platform, and apsl311 series precision pressure calibrators (collectively referred to as "pressure calibrators"), which are suitable for on-site application. The automatic verification software downloads the field instrument parameters to be verified to the pressure calibrator. During the verification process, the calibrator automatically records the data in the memory. After the verification, upload the verification results back to the automatic verification software for data processing and report printing.
automatic verification system of verification room: it is composed of automatic verification software, apsl501 or 601 series automatic pressure verification platform, apsl311 series precision pressure calibrator, apsl503 series intelligent pressure controller, apsl801 automatic piston pressure gauge, and apsl803 series automatic pressure verification device (collectively referred to as "automatic pressure verification device"), which is suitable for use in the verification room. The "full automatic pressure verification device" is directly connected to the computer for real-time verification, forming a full-automatic pressure verification system. After the instrument is verified, the data processing work is also completed synchronously, and the verification report and verification certificate can be printed immediately.
software function
automatic verification of thermal instruments:
fully automatic verification of pressure transmitter, pressure switch and pressure gauge: as long as you click the mouse (or start button), you can control apsl type or ease type full-automatic pressure verification platform according to database settings, and automatically complete pressurization, decompression, pressure stabilization, data recording, error analysis, printing reports and certificates.
support multiple verification platforms and multiple verification methods:
one computer can be connected with three apsl or easy full-automatic pressure calibration tables at the same time for real-time calibration. Support single test point verification, double test point verification, four test point verification, upload and download verification methods.
comprehensively manage the parameters of field instruments:
(1) management process measurement point parameters
(2) manage field instrument parameters
automatic management of verification results:
it can manage the calibration results for many years: two test results before and after adjustment.
overall management personnel and standard equipment:
(1) manage the verification personnel
(2) management personnel
(3) management standard equipment
it is convenient to generate work task list
(1) the system can print out the list of instruments that must be calibrated, the list of instruments that fail to be calibrated and the list of instruments that fail to be checked (have been scheduled for calibration, but have not been calibrated for some reason) within a certain period of time (such as a month, a week) in a very short time, which is very helpful for managers to arrange work.
(2) the pass rate before calibration can be counted.
automatically print the verification report:
the format of the verification report can be specified by the user. There can be many formats.
features of software:
integration of management and verification. The management system can directly communicate with the automatic pressure test bench or calibrator, and the verification data can be directly entered into the management database.
the verification of pressure transmitter, pressure switch and pressure indicator is integrated. The verification results are automatically identified and stored in the corresponding database.
the verification results can be entered through communication or manually. The system automatically completes error analysis and automatically generates the verification result database, verification report and verification certificate.
the system can ensure the authenticity of the verification report. The verification results are changed without legal person, which avoids the usual phenomenon of filling in the verification report by memory afterwards, so as to ensure the authenticity, credibility, science and standardization of the verification report.
this system can greatly improve the efficiency of verification.
connectable verification equipment
tmms-2000 instrument automatic verification maintenance management system can be connected with the following verification equipment:
apsl 501 series or 601 series automatic pressure calibration table or easy type automatic pressure calibration table
apsl 311 series precision pressure calibrator or 312 series precision pressure gauge
beta950 or beta960 multifunctional calibrator
beta325 pressure calibrator
beta135, 235 multi-function calibrator
Drucker calibrator
tc2000 low temperature verification furnace
classification of software:
this software is divided into network version, single machine full version, single machine 560 point software and single machine 56 point software.
(1) the network version software package supports network functions and can be used on the MIS network in the factory. It must be equipped with a server, and has the functions of on-site full-automatic pressure verification system and verification room full-automatic pressure verification system. The database capacity is 65000 points.
(2) stand alone full version software package can only be used on one computer. At the same time, it has the functions of field full-automatic pressure verification system and verification room full-automatic pressure verification system. The database capacity is 5000 points.
(3) single machine 560 point software package can only be used on one computer. At the same time, it has the functions of on-site full-automatic pressure verification system and verification room full-automatic pressure verification system, and can be connected with apsl, easy, ease calibration platforms and beta325 pressure calibrators. The database capacity is 560 points.
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